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vapor diffusion中文是什么意思

用"vapor diffusion"造句"vapor diffusion"怎么读"vapor diffusion" in a sentence


  • 蒸汽扩散


  • Standard test methods for water vapor diffusion resistance and air flow resistance of clothing materials using the dynamic moisture permeation cell
  • Metallothionein - ii , 6 . 8kda , purified from the liver of rabbit induced by cadmium , has been crystallized in the space group p6322 using hanging drop vapor diffusion method , with unit cell parameters
  • Two typical examples analyses are conducted for the average conditions both of winter and summer climates under vapor diffusion and air leakage . a further discussion is set forth to determine the main factors that the moisture accumulation in wall is affected . it is found that the factors are the relative humidity at the wall surface , indoor temperature , permeability , air pressure difference and rate of the infiltrative or exfiltrative airflow
  • The paper expounds on the following aspects . firstly , on the basis of analysis of current techniques for measuring plant water potential and with the dynamic characteristics of vapor diffusion in consideration , the relationship between the transient process of humidity at the position of the sensor and the water potential of the plant sample is studied in depth , and the corresponding testing apparatus for the on - line non - invasive automatic monitoring of plant water potential is designed
  • The investigation of a lot of parameters about treated sandstone , brick materials and earthen materials with fluorited polymers has been carried out , such as the formation of polymer , the penetration depth , porosity , capillary absorption and penetration coefficient , water uptake , compressive strength , drilling resistance , absorption isotherms of water vapor , water vapor diffusion , color changes as well as resistance to desegregation of water , frizzing - throwing cycles , worming - cooling cycles , and so on . in addition , the influence of salt crystallization , acid and base , and uv aging have also been assessed in order to better understand the protection effects and utilization possibility of two fluorinated polymers , mainly according to astm standard and the combination of international methods together with general technological
用"vapor diffusion"造句  


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